Monday, September 12, 2011

Crock Pot Love!

I am a Mother of three who has decided to create a recipe {with photos} blog. These simple recipes will be created with the use of my lovely Crock Pot {and I will be sure to post a picture of each delicious creation}. This wonderful invention of the Crock Pot has certainly made my life a little less hectic on those crazy, ever-so-manic, never-ending, exhausting days. These days are inevitable {no matter how prepared you are}. They will find you. Especially, if you are a Mom, {or Dad}, you should know exactly what I am talking about. {If you don't, consider yourself lucky!}. As much help as we can get along the way; why not utilize it? Hence; the good old Crock Pot. With school now in session and all the after school festivities going on, the Crock Pot will become my new best friend {and my house will always smell like I have been slaving in the kitchen for hours}. =)

I hope this blog helps all of us to find good balance and happy eating! =)
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